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Fats are one of the most spoken nutrients, and the least understood. In the diet solution program review, I will answer the most frequently asked questions about fats, so you can make healthier choices.1. What is fat?
Fats are nutrients that we consume in the diet along with protein and carbohydrates. Fats are chemically similar substances composed of fatty acids. Lipids or fats are a group of organic compounds that are not soluble in water, but dissolve in organic solvents (ether, acetone, chloroform, etc.) and thus can be extracted from the tissues of plants and animals. Lipids, unlike carbohydrates are hydrophobic organic compounds, which mean they do not mix with water, but at the same time give a specific type of solution called emulsion. Fats, carbohydrates, and proteins can other organic compounds to conjugate and build complex compounds that are embedded in the structure of living protoplasm. These substances the most concentrated source of energy. Stored as reserve materials (inclusions), which in plants are usually deposited in endosperm of seeds, while animals in adipose tissue.
2. Diet without fat is healthy
Absolutely not! It is necessary to involve a certain amount of fat in our diet because fats provide essential fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins and concentrated form of energy. We need fatty acids to build and maintain cell membranes and the creation of certain hormones. So fat is essential, but it is important to choose the right type of fat.
3. How fat got such a bad reputation?
Saturated fat is the main culprit in raising cholesterol levels and the rate of heart disease. However, there are other types of fats that are essential for good health.
4. Which are good fats?
Fats are classified as saturated or unsaturated depending on their chemical structure. Unsaturated (good) fats include polyunsaturated and monounsaturated species, which are better for you because they help in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Polyunsaturated 'good' oils are oils of sunflower, soy, nuts and sesame. Monounsaturated 'good' oils are oils of avocado, canola, extra virgin olive oil (Luglio), and peanuts.
5. Why so much love for fatty food?
People are driven by a powerful instinct of survival based on the "feast or famine". Although times have changed and now the food is in abundance, we are still programmed to eat high-energy foods i.e.the more foods we enter, we will have a better chance of survival. We also have a tendency to eat more fat than is good for us, because obesity is full of flavor and attracts food, such as biscuits, cakes and fried meals with warm crunchy ingredient. Food producers also often add fat in preparation for improving the flavor and ingredient and put more fat than they should.
6. Are fats really make you fat?
Although fat is the most energy value of nutrients (containing 38kJ compared to 17kJ per gram for protein and carbohydrates), any food can cause weight gain if the total amount of kilojoules you eat is more than you need. It is obvious that the rate of obesity increases without increasing the percentage of fat we eat.

Saturated fat. They are found in meat and other animal products such as butter, cheese, milk, except as low fat. Saturated fats are there in palm and coconut oil, which are often used for baked goods. A diet high in saturated fat can lead to increased cholesterol levels and to different heart diseases. Therefore, their presence in the diet must be restricted. Chocolate and sweet products such as cream are also high in saturated fat.
8. How much fat you should be eating?
Between 30-35% of our daily intake of kilojoules common. In a typical diet of 8700kJ, this is between 50-80g fat each day. There are fats that are already present in some foods, so the correct amount to use is between one and a half - 2 and half spoons of healthy oil a day. You may need slightly less or slightly more, depending on your energy needs. Saturated fat should not be more than 10% of your daily kilojoules intake, or not more than about 30gr. in the normal diet.
9. I am trying to lose weight. How much fat can I eat?
To lose weight, you should eat less fat kilojoules. To stay healthy, your diet must still be balanced, and the proportions of fat in your diet should not fall too low or may not be eating enough essential fats - the right about 30% of your daily kilojoules. In a typical diet for weight loss of 6000kJ, that means 50g. of fat daily. Most of these grams should come from healthy foods, added to 'good' fats.
10. Which oil is best to use?
Any oil made from vegetables, seeds or fruit is good (see Question 4). Coconut oil and palm oil are exceptions to this rule - avoid to use them because they are high in saturated fat. It is recommended to use rich palette of sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, pumpkin oil, linseed oil and olive oil (best).
11. How should I store the oil?
Oil reacts to air, light and heat, so it should be stored in a cool dark place. Buying oil in boxes will help protect from light. If you buy olive oil in a bottle, it is recommended to be kept in a closed area of the kitchen. The oil is best to use within three to four months of opening, so buy in small quantities to keep it fresh.
12. Is it safe to re-use the oil?
Heating will cause the oil to oxidize and degrade, but some do it more slowly. Polyunsaturated oils oxidize easily, but mono-unsaturated oils, as olive oil is more stable and can be reused.
13. Can I cook with cold pressed oils?
Yes, it can be used in preparing each meal and light frying.
The diet solution program review video: What Isabel says about fats?
Extra-virgin olive oil comes from primarily mechanical pressing of olives and is rich in antioxidants. An alternative to this is refined olive oil that is produced when the mixture is further processed olives to extract every last drop of oil.
15. How do you know if the oil is oxidized?
Oil that is oxidized, or past its use has a distinctive smell. Do not use oil with a past time. Healthy oils have a shorter term of unhealthy, so use them quickly and keep them properly.
16. What is a cold pressed oil of pumpkin? With a high percentage of essential omega 3 fatty acids cold filtrated oil seeds of pumpkin seeds protect the body from infections, strengthens the immune system, heart and blood vessels. Pumpkin Oil stimulates the entire body. It can be used 1-3 tablespoons independently or used in the preparation of salads, dressings, or as a supplement to digest. It is recommended in vegetarian and macrobiotic diet.
17. How often can I use salad dressing and mayonnaise? Mayonnaise and salad dressings are usually made with cold pressed oils, mayonnaise but those that are intended for commercial conditions can act very badly for health. Therefore, it is best to make your own mayonnaise and use in moderation.
18. What are Trans fats? Trans fats are a special kind of bad fats that should be limited, since they adversely affect the level of cholesterol. These fats are found in margarine, especially hard. Trans fats are found in foods we buy in stores and restaurants, such as fast foods, baked goods and fried foods. When the declaration of many products you read "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" fats, this means that the food contains Trans fat. Like saturated fats and Trans fats also increase cholesterol levels and the potential for many heart diseases.
19. What are omega-3 fatty acids?
Why do we need: Omega-3 fatty acids are essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. Our bodies cannot make, so we need to get them from our diet. Omega-3 refers to both chains, short chain fatty acids (plant food) and long-chain fatty acids (animal food). It is best to eat a combination of both.
Where to find them: In plant foods, such as oil from rape and oil from soy and nuts. They are the best sources of omega-3 from short chain fatty acids. Richest source of long-chain fatty acids is seafood (especially mackerel, sardines and salmon), eggs, brain, liver, kidney, and lean red meat (especially beef and lamb). Capsules of fish oil can help boost your omega-3 intake.
What they do: Omega-3 fats are associated with better heart and mental health, reduced risk of inflammatory diseases, and brain development in children.